Religious Liberty and Human Dignity: A Deep Dive with Ganoune Diop | ANN In-Depth
On this episode of ANN In-Depth, Sam Neves interviews Ganoune Diop, director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Dr. Diop emphasizes the significance of seeing every human as a sacred being created in God's image, shaping our understanding of human value beyond mere status or achievements. Dive into these compelling discussions on religious liberty's role across different cultures and its vital importance in upholding the dignity and rights of all individuals.
Episode highlights:
-The historical journey of religious liberty within the Adventist Church
-The pivotal moment in 1888 when Adventists opposed Congress bills imposing Sunday worship
-The interconnectedness of religious freedom and human dignity, the impact of merging religion with politics, and the role of religion in shaping moral values in society